Which On-page SEO factors are responsible for encountering the high traffic?

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    Which On-page SEO factors are responsible for encountering the high traffic?

    According to the experts practising in the digital marketing companies, “There are probably so many ways by which you can optimise your page. But still, the way with which your page is optimised matters a lot since it’s direct impact can be seen on the ranking.” This is the main reason that the website owners are suggested to hire the online marketing companies that not only provide the website designing and development packages, but also the social media marketing services.

    Which factors are considered as the On-Page SEO factors?

    • Content of Page

    The whole credit of making the website rank or getting stations at the search result position goes to the content of the page. This is what the users experience at the one ‘Search;’ go after typing in the keywords. So, it has always been important to have good content. Your content should be the one that the users want to read.

    You should always keep this thing in mind that it is the good content that always creates the demand.

    One of the giant qualities of good content is that it is linkable.

    • Title Tag

    When we are talking about the Title tags, then we are talking about the second most important factors for SEO and that are the title tags.

    • URL

    After the title tag, here comes the URL. SEO should have to make sure that the hierarchy of the category should be reflected in the URLs.

    For instance:


    With this kind of URL, It becomes extensively easy to determine how relevant the webpages are pertaining to the particular search.

    When it is about On-Page SEO, then there are so many questions that are running in our minds. We have mentioned the most common questions out here.

    What do we know about On-Page SEO?

    By On-Page SEO, we are meaning all the elements that can be held accountable for controlling both the webpage and the webpage code. Following are some of the elements which are included in the On-Page SEO:

    • Content
    • Headlines
    • Headers
    • Image Optimization
    • Title Tags
    • Meta Description
    • Structured Data

    What are the differences between on-page SEO and off-page SEO?

    Merely by hearing the term ‘Off-Page SEO’ we have come to know that it is external SEO. Usually the off page SEO refers to the following:

    • Link Building Activities
    • Spreading of awareness regarding the brand
    • PR efforts
    • Social Media Activities

    Is On-Page SEO Important?

    On-page SEO is highly important because many of the factors which Google tasks in account to make the webpage rank comes from the On-Page Elements. Now the readers must be thinking about what’s so special with those elements. Then these elements are the ones which are accountable for engaging the users.

    How long does it take for Google to rank the page?

    The following factors determine how long will the google take to make your website rank:

    • Popularity of the Content
    • Technical considerations
    • Crawl Budget
    • Other hosting factors