SEO Packages

CHOOSE YOUR PLAN Starter Bronze Silver
Campaign Set -up Any 1 Network Account Set -up (Google Adwords, Microsoft Adcenter, Facebook) Any 2 Network Account Set -up (Google Adwords, Microsoft Adcenter, Facebook All Network Account Set -up (Google Adwords, Microsoft Adcenter, Facebook
Keyword Research & Selection
Keyword Mapping
Ad Group Creations Up to 5 Up to 10 Up to 15
Text Ads
Banner Ads 1 3 5
Landing Page Selection
GEO Targeting Setup
Setup Conversion Code
Ad Scheduling
Manual Bidding
Ad Copy Creation
Campaign Management
Competitor Analysis
Keyword Optimization
Ad Copy Optimization
Keyword Bid Optimization
Landing Page Optimization Consultation
Landing page design
CTR Analysis
A/B Testing
Keyword Refinements (if required)
Bid Refinements (if required)
ROI Analysis
Analytics Setup
Google Analytics Setup Basic Basic Advanced
Google Adwords Conversion Setup
Reporting and Support
Weekly Reports
Monthly Reports
Advanced Reports
Support Email and chat Email and chat Email, Chat and Phone
Cost Per Month Contact Us Contact Us Contact Us