Ecommerce Website Development

Number of Pages Upto 25 Pages Upto 50 Pages Upto 100 Pages Unlimited
Website design concepts 1 1 2 3
Content Changes 1 1 2 5
Content Management System (CMS)
Number of Products 50 100 Unlimited Unlimited
Multiple payment Options Only 1 Upto 2 Upto 3 Upto 5
Analytics & Sales Reports
Full Order Management (Basic)
Shipping Management
Tax Management
Advanced Search Facility
Advance Filtering
Promotions & Discounts
Newsletter Signup
Zipcode Availability
Voucher Code
Quick View (Modal)
Cash on Delivery
Featured Products (Home Page)
Facebook Login
Credits System
Transaction Email API
SMS Integration
Visual Features: Slide show, Lightbox Gallery, Interactive map, Enquiry form
Social media: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin Group page setup
Email Accounts 2 3 5
Free .com Domain name
On Page SEO Features (SEO not included)
Google Analytics implementation
12 Months Website Hosting
Duration of Project 2 Week 3 Week 3-4 Week 5-6 Week
Training & Support
Support & Maintenance 1 Month 3 Month 6 Month 1 Year
**Followers cannot be guaranteed without any paid activity
Cost Per Month Contact Us Contact Us Contact Us Contact Us