What is blog design? What are the best practices to create blog design?

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    What is blog design What are the best practices to create blog design

    What is blog design? What are the best practices to create blog design?

    What Is Blog Design?

    Blog design is the approach to make your blog optimized in terms of the look, feel readability, functioning, and branding. The basic aim to do that is to increase the count of visitors to the website and increase the conversion.

    Why is blog design important?

    Do you know? Around 70 million blog posts are published in 1 month. In such a vast count, to get to the top, you need to make sure that your content is high-quality and informative. Not just in terms of the quality but it needs to be presentable. If your content is not presented correctly, it will impact your brand credibility and trust factor. So, there is no way that you need to get that impacted at any cost. The effort you put into writing the first blog should be the same as when you write the 98th blog. All in all, the design of your blog will bring in more users than before.

    What are the best practices for blog design?

    Give prime focus on readability

    Some people think that blog design is about colors, UX, branding, and illustrations. These are important but in the same way as typography. The blog is the place where text is read, but if that is not easy to read things will not go in your favor. Here’s what you need to do:

    • Use font size in between 15px-18px.
    • Blogs with small fonts are not what the user prefers and there are high chances users will not stay on the website.
    • Along with font size, you need to include as much white space as you can.

    Be consistent with the blog design

    Consistency is the key to success, just like in normal life and even for blog design. When you use a similar style and method, people will remember you and they will easily link with you. No matter how many blogs you want to post, follow this for every blog. So, make sure that you keep the look and feel of the blog the same on every post. If you like to use photos with text, then make that a consistent approach.

    Make a design to uplift your business website

    Make the design easy to read and keep the design elements the same. Well! You need to make some of the blogs stand apart from the rest. This will give the feeling that your blog is doing better against the competitors. You might be wondering how you can make the design unique and better? Here’s what you need to do:

    • Your blog feed
    • Your banner images
    • Your WordPress theme
    • Font and typography
    • Illustrations
    • Comments section
    • Site navigation
    • Footer

    You can improvise the way you want and like to make your blog design stand out. Check what your competitor is doing, then do something better than them.

    Highlight and focus on the best content

    In most cases, the latest posts are on the top, and then comes the old ones. But, this will make it difficult for the user to go through the best stuff on the website. You need to curate the list which includes some of the best stuff on your website. Highlight the evergreen content, so that the user gets to know why you stand apart from the rest.

    Embed images and visuals

    Blog design does not end with the page design. To make the content impressive and interesting you need to include images and visuals. Doing this will give your content the extra pop and it will be more attractive. Keep in mind that you ‘SHOULD’ use an image. The user might get bored seeing 100% text on the website or web page.

    Give preference to custom pages for Big content

    In case you want to publish something unique and better, should the design be the same? In that case, you need to have something custom made and it should make the people understand that ‘Why is it different?’ In case you are publishing a story or survey, then try to be different with the layout to grab their attention.

    Make use of the Byline

    In most cases, people think ‘Who wrote the content?’ It’s human psychology to go to the bottom and learn who has written that. On every post make sure to write a byline by adding the headshot of the person. It makes them feel connected to your brand.

    Apart from these points, you should include the social media share buttons so that people can share what they like or tell others about something new, which might benefit them.