Everything you need to know about the bounce rate and the method to improve it

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    Everything you need to know about the bounce rate and the method to improve it

    Everything you need to know about the bounce rate and the method to improve it

    What is the explanation of the Bounce rate?

    Bounce rate is referred to as the total count of visitors which make off without carrying out any undertaking. Here we are talking about activities like:

    • Clicking on links
    • Filling the form
    • Making payment
    • Subscribing to newsletter

    There will be an increase in the bounce rate when visitors approach the website, but without performing any further action. To ensure your website is not affected by this scenario, hire SEO professionals for digital marketing.

    What are the reasons people bounce off from the website?

    • UX issues (their overall experience is not what they were looking for)
    • Sufficient content on the arrived page (the user do not feel the need to go through the rest of the website)
    • Technical errors (Error 403 or 404 or any other bug)
    • Unsatisfactory content

    What specifies a good bounce rate?

    To have a good bounce rate, the number must be lower than 40%. If the score is within the range of 40% – 55% then it is okay and if it is 55% – 65% then improvement is needed. However, the figures cross 80% then it is not acceptable in any scenario. In that case, it points towards the tracking code error or installation. Different factors are there to determine the good bounce rate. If you want to know better than hire the professionals to get the work going in an ideal manner.

    What is the approach to improve bounce rate?

    • Improve page load time

    Initially, the user experience needs to be paid utmost attention which means understanding the page load time. The website speed needs to be optimized so that the user who comes to your site experiences what other websites cannot offer. There should be good content so that your website can retain them.

    • Content needs to be informative

    Informative and relevant content is what makes your website a success and reduces the bounce rate. If your website is giving well-structured and valuable content with images, visuals, infographics, and correct sources then the visitor is going to stay on your website no matter what. Use SEO services to make everything even better.

    • Mobile optimization is important

    Mobile optimization is an essential consideration because most of the users would want that they can access the website on the go. The mobile has become the need of the hour that means everyone has access to the smartphone whether they are home or not.

    • Best navigation experience

    The website layout and navigation is going to make the user experience the best. A website must be smooth, compact, and simple. No matter, the user opens the website on desktop, mobile, or any other device their experience should be the best. The navigation of the website should be in regards to the accessibility guidelines that reduce the bounce rate.

    • Good CTA

    Having a good CTA (Call to action) will encourage the visitors to take the next step without purchasing or subscribing to the services.