Move on from Link Building, It’s time for Link Earning

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    Make Link Earning Your Source of Income

    Move on from Link Building, It’s time for Link Earning

    Link Earning

    In this process, you need to be credible enough to earn links. If your content is worthy according to other people’s standards, they will share it on their website. Their audience will view your website through the shared link. And if they like it, that will increase the traffic to your website. 

    In this process, you just need to make content, and you can’t copy or cheat from any other website or anybody else’s content. Your credibility, trustworthiness, and matter of content will be the deciding factor in this method. 

    This method also increases your SEO because if your link lands on another website, you will see people finding a way to your website, thus increasing traffic. Google and other search engines then get to identify your credibility and value, thus boosting your website’s growth.

    Importance of Earning Links

    The first step while building a business is to create a high-quality site with quality content for viewers. The second step is to make yourself visible to online users via search engines, which will increase your credibility. 

    The third step is to achieve organic rankings. You can get the higher-authority websites to link back to you and your website. Earning links from other domains is the best method to bring your website to the spotlight.

    These organic rankings will help you score more on your SEO scale. 

    Link Earning and Link Building: Which is The Best?

    1. Higher Quality Links: You usually get much higher quality content links through link earning due to its newsworthy approach. Reputed and credible news websites will only accept your content if it has some value and relevance to the audience and has credible information. 
    2. There is no Penalty: People who earn links never earn a penalty from Google. Although if you use private blog sites and paid guest posting, your chances of getting penalized are higher.
    3. You will create a brand authority: When trusted sites share your content, they will help Google identify you as an authority. Apart from that, you are creating an authority with your audience too. It also makes you a leader in this field.


    Earning a link is the most reliable way to achieve success in the SEO part. It is hard to create credible and trustworthy content, but it will not earn you penalties or any other disadvantage from Google. Hence, you should focus more on earning links and making your content credible and trustworthy to its viewers.

    If you are building links, it’s time to move on. The best Digital Marketing Company in Sydney has found a much more effective way to grow your business online. This method is called link earning. It is a much better way than Link building.

    People who have been into Website Designing in Sydney for a long time trust this method more. In this method, you will earn links depending on your content, merit, and trustworthiness.