What are the topmost ways to determine your chances of ranking in Google?

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    Ways to Determine Your Chances of Rankin gin Google

    What are the topmost ways to determine your chances of ranking in Google?

    When it comes to getting your website ranked, the expert team of digital marketing company strategizes an effective plan to help your online business. One such name is Flymedia technology who makes every possible effort with the use of the latest and inventive online marketing strategies to make your business stand out in the online world. In addition, the social media marketing methods are created by enough research by our SEO professionals.

    Now, ranking the business Keyword is an important part. Indeed! It is easy for the business to look for a bunch of keywords that are easy to rank for. But, the difficulty arises to see what actually will make those keywords rank. Here, it is important to use the information correctly and then plan for the SEO strategy.

    How to determine the ranking difficulty for a keyword?

    Our SEO professionals will judge the ranking difficulty for the keyword by checking the pages which are already getting the ranking in Google. Here, the focus is put on 4 main things, let’s talk you through the same in detail.

    • Content of the page

    Google won’t let irrelevant pages get the ranking. If you write an article and target a specific keyword then it will be relevant to that specific one. Most on-page SEO advice that the target keyword is mentioned in the specific place to increase the page importance in the eyes of Google like:

    • Title Tag

    • URL

    • Headline (H1)

    • Early in content

    While looking for the top-ranking pages, efforts should be put into checking the overall quality and content depth. Here, the efforts should be made to create a better page, than the one which is already there. In addition, the page relevance should not be given much attention.

    • Searcher Intent

    By searcher intent, we mean to analyze the top-ranking pages for that specific keyword so that you can decide what it has in store to offer the searchers. Indeed! Giving the searchers something better than what is present will make a difference. If you don’t focus on the same, then keywords will be tricky for you. Even in this case, there will not be a difference in what type of SEO tool you are using. You should check whether Google is happy with the present search results by having a close look at the SERP position history.

    • Getting links from other websites

    Different studies have been done which have shown that backlinks are in high correlation with the rankings as compared to anything else. This is the reason, we only focus on the Keyword Difficulty score for the average number of websites getting linked to the current top-ranking pages which makes it easier to comprehend.

    Final word!

    Our effort is to create the best SEO blog and to do that will take time & effort. With the competitive keywords and brilliance of the SEO team, your business will see skyrocketed growth. Contact us to get further information.