What are the web design practices to build a highly profitable website?

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    What are the web design practices to build a highly profitable website?

    We all hear people saying how important it is to have a website with incredible features to attract potential customers. You will likely get a second which lasts for a long time. Hiring the able and proficient team of web designing agency Sydney will make sure your web presence is never put off and you get the desired results.

    • Website design needs to be responsive

    Around 51.12% of global web traffic is achieved from mobile devices. Just think, you will lose 51% of web traffic if your web design is not perfect on various devices. Responsive design allows the site to get adjusted on its own depending on the user screen. It also takes the stress of having 2 different websites: One for mobile devices & the other for desktop.

    • Make sure to consider the conversion perspective

    Website design is not merely about aesthetics. But getting the services from the able website designer will ensure that the conversion rate is considered. Today’s customers are all about easy and effective solutions. Having your business site will help you understand the needs and requirements of the users. Websites with the ability of conversion-driven websites will help you get loyal customers.

    • Use white space to the maximum

    A website that depicts the look of a newspaper will not get the benefit it needs. Your business website design should use whitespace to the maximum. Way too many distractions will not let the user focus on anything properly. Whitespace is best used near the text, CTA buttons, images, and any other element created.

    • Consider typography

    Videos and graphics have taken the world by storm. Most of the content you see on the web is in text format. Opting for the site typography can be of the best use. It allows you to read the text with ease and it even benefits the conversion rate. In total, the web design should be 95% typography. The typography should be easy to read and the content should be legal.

    • Go with the 8-second rule

    When the business website is in making, give importance to how much time it will take to get user attention. The 8-second rule is what will attract the user’s attention. If that time is not precisely used, you will be missing out on a lot of things. You should use attractive headlines, large sign-up buttons, hover effect, and multimedia.

    • Add less, but worthwhile

    Website design is up to the mark when there is nothing that can be taken away. Do not go overboard by adding as much stuff on the website. Clients always want to include information in excess but make sure you do it within a certain limit. Adding information in excess won’t give clarity about what is your website design. So, add the stuff which is likely to increase the conversion rate of your website.