
Best SEO Tools To Use In 2019

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    Best SEO Tools To Use In 2019


    A good device is needed for a site’s SEO campaign. But most of the industry’s top devices are costly. Some of the common questions asked during free digital marketing session are knowing about the tools which are pocket-friendly for companies who have a limited or small budget.  Here are mentioned some tools which are gaining popularity and also which are very useful :

    Google Analytics

    This is one of the best web analytics tool. It gives an understanding of many types of data which are from client capture to sales and much more. You are not an expert in SEO if you do not know much about Google Analytics. It is a very vital tool for SEO.

    Your account of Google search console, Google Ad sense, and Google Ad words can be easily connected with Google Analytics to get a better understanding of data.

    Google Keyword Planner

    Google has the ownership rights for Google Keyword Planner. Even this helps in providing a better understanding of keywords traffic, competition.

    Google Search Console

    This was previously called Google Webmaster Tools.  It is a free full suite of tools from Google which every SEO must know how to use in a perfect way. It is also known as GSC, the tools in this Webmaster are for indexing, checking site errors, viewing site traffic statistics, backlinks, and many more things.

    Keyword Everywhere

    This is an add on of Google Chrome which shows you search volume, competition and CPC data for keywords in Google Search Console and other tools like Uber suggest. Google Keyword planner gives it the data which is required.

    Screaming Frog

    This is another very good SEO software. It scans and analyses websites show the website, SEO data, broken links, response codes and other data. It is a desktop application and needs to be downloaded and installed before use.

    Ubersuggest is another free tool which gives Google Autocomplete search suggestions for jabbed keywords. Keywords in Ubersuggest can be enlarged. It works best with Keyword Everywhere Google Chrome add on.

    Yoast SEO

    Yoast SEO is the unquestioned king of  WordPress SEO plugins. It gives very useful features to assist  SEO learners to learn SEO with comfort. It scores article SEO base don keyword density, title length, content length, internal links and much more And a green light is shown when SEO has done the work properly, otherwise for bad SEO it shows Red light and orange light in case of fairly good SEO.