
Importance Of Digital Marketing In The Healthcare Industry

The Right Path To Digital Marketing With Fly Media Technology

In the current world, the majority of people, including patients, are techno-savvy or highly dependent on the internet to access and avail various information, products or services. People use the internet to look for a variety of things in various industries, and the healthcare industry is no exception. Let us find out the importance of […]

Take Your Business to New Heights with Flymedia Technology

Google Adwards

Digital marketing, which means online marketing, helps brands connect with customers using the internet or other digital communication; this includes email, social media, web-based advertising, and multimedia messages as a marketing channel and text. Flymedia technology is the best digital marketing company in India. If you want to develop your business and are looking for […]

डिजिटल मार्केटिंग के क्या-क्या लाभ है?

Fly Media Technology Case Study For Technology Company Based in Australia

क्या है डिजिटल मार्केटिंग ?  डिजिटल मार्केटिंग एक तरह की ऑनलाइन मार्केटिंग होती है,जो इंटरनेट और डिजिटल संचार के अन्य रूपों द्वारा संभावित ग्राहकों से जुड़ने के लिए ब्रांडों का प्रचार होता है | जिसमें ईमेल मार्केटिंग, सोशल मार्केटिंग, एसइओ (सर्च इंजन ऑप्टिमाइजेशन), कंटेंट मार्केटिंग, ऑनलाइन विज्ञापन द्वारा सोशल मीडिया के माध्यम से लक्ष्य जनसंख्या […]

The Right Path To Digital Marketing With Fly Media Technology

The Right Path To Digital Marketing With Fly Media Technology

Digital marketing can change the horizon of a business and expand beyond expectations. However, only the right set of approaches in digital marketing can help a business attract new leads, which can contribute to its growth and development.  Digital marketing is a procedure that nurtures your business to allow it to grow with the help […]

Who Should You Choose For Digital Marketing: A Company Or A Freelancer?

Who Should You Choose For Digital Marketing: A Company Or A Freelancer?

In this video, Dr Anuj Gupta, Managing Director of Fly Media Technology, explains who you should choose for digital marketing: a company or a freelancer. He explains that many people wonder who will be a better choice and contact a company as well as a freelancer. People tend to compare their prices, which isn’t quite […]

How Customer Feedback Plays A Role In Generating Leads And Sales

How Customer Feedback Plays A Role In Generating Leads And Sales

Customer feedback is a crucial factor that contributes to the access of any business. It not only lets the business know of its performance in its respective field but also allows it to make improvements depending on the customer experience. Customer feedback can be acquired with the help of the best digital marketing company in […]

Everything You Need To Know About Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)

Everything You Need To Know About Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)

Different digital marketing companies use online campaigns to strengthen their marketing and generate more leads. Organic and paid marketing techniques are used by the best digital marketing company in Ludhiana to generate more leads. Although organic traffic is said to be better for the website, paid marketing increases the chance of sales by 50%. Therefore, […]

All the Important Points to keep in Mind For Online Reputation Management in 2024

All the Important Points to keep in Mind For Online Reputation Management in 2024

What is Online reputation management? Online reputation management is the process through which you manage the online reputation of your brand efficiently.It involves monitoring and controlling what shows up when someone searches for your brand or a product online. Here comes the question, how can you manage your brand’s online reputation? To manage it efficiently […]

Craft a good Top Funnel Content Marketing Strategy

Craft a good Top Funnel Content Marketing Strategy

What is a Marketing Funnel? Marketing Funnel is the journey through which a loyal customer goes through. It represents all those stages from getting awareness regarding a product to purchase of a product a customer makes. This journey of Marketing Funnel is divided into three stages: Top of the funnel: The top of the funnel […]