
Difference between – Search Engine Optimization & Social Media Optimization

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    The predominant goal of online marketing is to get noticed and make your brand known to everyone. With the help of SEO practices, you can reach your customers. You must be wondering, why is SEO beneficial?

    Whenever the user from your targeted audience searches for the services, then optimizing search engines can help your brand to be found and considered by the user.

    So as you might have guessed already, that we are going to talk about SEO in this blog, then let’s begin:

    Why SEO?

    SEO is the most cost-effective and result-oriented alternative to increase your business. The traditional methods of promotion like ads, flyers and commercials are not only expensive but are considered ineffective.

    Are SMO and SEO interrelated?

    Usually, people get confused about both of the terms and tend to use them interchangeably. But three are differences between the two. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization while SMO stands for Social media optimization.


    The optimization of the variegated social media platforms is being done in the SMO. Following things are managed and handled in the SMO:

      • RSS feeds
      • Blogs
      • Forums
      • Videos
      • Social media websites like the following:
        • Twitter
        • Instagram
        • Facebook
        • Pinterest
        • Reddit


    SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. In this, every aspect of online marketing which may include website marketing and social media marketing are included.

    Now if you are wondering about how both of these are interrelated, then read below:

    SMO is a part of SEO, which deals with a particular area. When we are talking about SMO, then it includes posting the website content on social media platforms.

    So let us understand the difference between the two based on the important factors:

    What do they do for the business?

      • SEO – SEO is responsible for making your business noticed by the customers.
      • SMO – SMO helps with the marketing activities of the business. Those marketing activities are only restricted to be carried out to the social media platforms only.


    How do these deal with the customers?

      • SEO – When it is about increasing traffic at your site, then SEO is taken into account. The variegated techniques and tactics are followed to optimize the website in the way that the user feels tempted to visit it.
      • SMO – The driven traffic needs to be pleased with the regular updates on the social media platforms. So this work falls under the category of SMO. The fresh content is posted on social media to keep the attention of the user’s grip.

    Which practices are being followed?

      • SEO –

    In SEO, the following things are supposed to get targeted:

      • Keywords
      • Title tags
      • Meta tags
      • Description
      • SMO

    The SMO practices involve the work of keeping the users engaged by following the subsequent practices:

      • Link Sharing
      • Posts ( Videos and Images)
      • Tags

    How much time is taken to show the results?

      • SEO – The organic SEO techniques take a huge amount of time to show up the desired results.
      • SMO – The results can be rapidly enjoyed when we are considering the SMO.

    What about customer friendliness?

      • SEO – SEO can only contribute to establishing the connection between the customer and the business.
      • SMO But the maintenance of such relations can only be done by the SMO techniques. As SMO techniques are so fascinating and engaging that the user may feel interested to keep in regular touch with the company.

    What about content?

      • SEO – The main focus is to make the content readable for the SES (Search Engine Spiders.
      • SMO – The predominant goal is to present the content so effectively, that the human readers get satisfied.

    What are the triggering components?

      • SEO – The new and the existing pages can fetch better results if the business is making use of the trusted domains.
      • SMO – The new submissions are highly accountable for keeping the traffic flowing.

    Who relies on the networking profiles?

      • SEO – SEO does not require focusing on building impact-catering strong profiles. Networking also does not hold considerable importance in SEO.
      • SMO – SMO as the name itself suggests cannot help with effective results if the networking and the strong profiles are not taken into account.

    What are the benefits of implementing both?


    Both of these are incomplete without each other. The likes on the social media platforms help to fetch traffic on the websites. The satisfied website visitors want to maintain relations with the businesses by following them on the social media platforms and encourage them to bring about something new as per their requirements. Websites seem to be a formal source of interaction while on social media, the customer can freely communicate with the business.