
What are the most effective web designing tips to improve bounce rate?

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    Are you looking to improve the bounce rate? Just sit back and read the topic to the end as we covered some of the effective tips for you. The professionals of Digital marketing will address the problem and give you the ultimate solution for the same.

    • Make sure to remove the unnecessary items

    First of all, the site load time needs to be increased. We all have encountered the situation when the website did not load and we clicked the cross button. If your website is taking more than 3 seconds to load then you are losing your potential customers. Some of the web design tips which can prove fruitful are:

    • Make sure that the image size is optimized. Keep the image file small so that they do not consume much of your time.
    • If there is an abundance of plugins on the website but only a few of them are used when you need to remove them. You might not know but it takes a lot of loading time.
    • No matter in which language the website is built, it needs to be minified and discard all the unwanted characters from it. It will drastically improve the loading speed.


    • Site optimization is needed

    Here what we mean is giving the user the best experience when they come to your site. If they find any confusion, your business is not benefited in any manner. Map out everything and it will do wonders on the bounce rate. What you can do is, become a user and reach from one point to another. If you find any issue, then you should get it fixed. Use of the conversion button will help them to make clear actions. Incorporate the buttons like Contact us, Shop now, and add to cart.

    • Effective visual hierarchy

    You should get an effective visual hierarchy. Ensure that all the important features on the website are pleasing to the eyes. Use large text sizes, bright colors, and bold fonts which helps the visitor to have a clear view of everything.

    Here’s a trick for you

    Do the squint test! Step back from the computer screen and squint as it makes the page blur. You will only notice the boldest, largest, and colorful parts of the screen. If you can notice that, your website is perfect.

    • Append social share buttons

    Have a blog on the website but there is no social share button. Well! You are missing a whole new world. There should be a share button so that the user can share the blog with others. It will create brand awareness and your website bounce rate will improve.

    • Color selection is important

    If you can’t see something then you cannot read it. Make sure the text on the website is different from the background which makes it easy to read.