
Everything about Google delays mobile-first indexing deadline to 2021

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    Everything about Google delays mobile-first indexing deadline to 2021


    Google announced that it is going to give more time to SEOs, Developers, webmasters, and developers for the mobile-first indexing switchover. For that, the deadline has been shifted from September 2020 to March 2021. For better understanding, you can get in touch with the experts from the SEO company.

    To make the first process simpler the mobile-first indexing for all websites will start in September 2020. Now, that there are still knee-deep in this pandemic and there are many uncertain times which are going to come, and focusing on the work is not that easy. Moreover, Google has been giving hints for months now that they may push the mobile-first deadline.

     Contact the experts

    If you are not sure about what changes need to be made on the mobile website or how these can impact the entire process then contact the experts. Our website designing company has a team of excerpts you take every single step into consideration. Flymedia entire team is fully trained and they make sure to follow-up with all the necessary changes with the website needs. You can even clear all your doubts with them and they will give you the best suggestions for your websites which help your business to do better.

     Mobile indexing

    Google started the mobile-first indexing process in 2016. Google has been working on this for years. If there are sites that you need to manage and these are still not migrated over. Google documented the issues and they may be holding the site up from being migrated automatically for mobile-first indexing.

     Here is the brief information of what Google wrote in their list:

    • Robots meta tags on the mobile version
    • Give consideration on what you are going to block
    • Lazy-loading on the mobile version
    • Make sure primary content is the same on desktop and mobile
    • You need to check the following things like:
      • Alt attributes for images
      • Image quality
      • Different image URLs between desktop and mobile version
      • Video markup
      • Video and image placement

     Why is this important?

    While you don’t have to get your websites ready by September 2020. Your next aim is to get them ready before next March. The ideal choice is that Google should migrate your site voluntarily when it is mobile-ready. You need to simply force the site on mobile-first indexing.

    If the site is migrated before the headline, this means Google is completely ready for the site and this entire process is not going to harm the rankings when the migration process is done.