
How to Use Social Media Videos to Build up brand positioning?

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    How to Use Social Media Videos to Build up brand positioning?

    Marketing has reached another level with social media. Social media plays a significant role for every business type. With innovative marketing techniques, it has helped various brands to reach millions of people. In this guide, we are going to discuss the use of social media for brand positioning.

    Well, there are many benefits your business can get with social media. Digital marketing has helped various brands to connect with people from all over the world. Here are some of the options which you can use for social media marketing:

    • Instagram video length has been increased from 15 seconds to 60 seconds. The user engagement is better with Instagram. All over the world, this app has become extremely popular and especially among adults.
    • Snapchat provides the option to post stories for one day. Snapchat has around 100 million daily users.
    • Another option is Facebook and around 75% of its users use it from mobile applications. The video limit is 20 minutes

    Given below are some of the top ways to use social media videos for building the brand:

    • Keep the user engaged

    The users are an extremely important part of the business. You need to give them proper information about the workplace or include them in PR & product launches. If you take them at every step, it will help to keep them entertained.

    This is a great way because the user will feel connected to the brand. This is a great way to increase views. You can also choose to go live stream or do short interviews which will keep them updated if your brand is launching something new.

    • Keep them updated

    In regards to video marketing, you need to be spontaneous. Your audience would love it when you share things on time. If something is exciting then you need to be ready to capture it with your camera and share it with the audience right away.

    • Choose to go live

    Going live is another option to stay connected with your clients. The best part is that the video is posted in real-time and it lasts for 24 hours. Moreover, the user is also notified when you are going live.

    Another thing you can do is, tell your audience in advance that you will be going live. This is a great way to increase user engagement.

    • Video length

    The shorter the better. By keeping the message short will help to connect with the user. The lengthy ads will not garb the user’s attention and it can seem boring also. You need to create mobile-friendly videos. Also, take the help of the experts to incorporate the SEO standards.

    By following the above-mentioned points, it will help your business to increase brand awareness in the long-run.