
Some UX Tips And Explanation of 3 Click Rule In Website Designing – A Myth.

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    While Designing a website or even a single page in a website there are some starting rules that are kept in mind : to keep it fast, clean and simple. It is okay you have passed through the starting stage what then what more to keep in mind let us here explain to you that.

    There are much things that goes on explaining what keeps user engaged in your website and we are gonna discuss them in here in this article.

    Now a days using image is not over text, they both have common ground in terms of importance but sometimes they say a picture is worth 1000 words but in website designing, in some cases it is not. If you are not using text over image than you are doing a disservice to your audience.

    Background Images are great but if these are accompanied by a good headline that will be cherry on cake as headlines draw more attention to what your page is offering along with the background image that you have used. Your headline has approximately ~1 second to capture a reader’s attention before being ignored.

    And moreover there are many websites that doesn’t support the “F-pattern”, if a layman is to understand what F-pattern is whenever we visit our website our mind lets us read that website from top, left to right, with less and less horizontal distance covered the further you go down the page.

    And then there is 3 click rule that says if a user is not able to do anything with 3 clicks i.e. if 3 clicks on a website doesn’t give him what he wanted he will leave. But a research is being done and it is revealed that no one give up after just 3 clicks and will keep on clicking until he gets what he wanted.

    But this doesn’t mean that you will make a website that will bound user to click many times to get to what he wanted restrict the design in such a way user will get what he wanted in easily understandable way.