
Things Seo Have To Avoid

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    Things Seo Have To Avoid


    Search Engine Optimization plays an essential role in every organization because most of the online business promotion strategies are planned according to SEO. The company should realize how to upgrade a website to keep away from the hazard of losing clients. In these days website creation and planning is simple however advancing your website page on Google search results is excessively troublesome without great and capable SEO. There are 5 common mistakes SEO should avoid to get more traffic surge on WebPages-:

    1. Posting Duplicate Content:-

    Customers expect unique material and interesting stuff to read. So you should avoid using someone else’ logo, tagline and content. Not only does it make your website look unprofessional but customer stops visiting your website. Copy content is considered as spam and major search engines penalized a website for it. In order to make your website interesting and proficient avoid using duplicate content.

    1. Selecting Irrelevant Keywords-:

    Keywords play an essential role to tell the search engine about your website content. You need to pick one of a kind and distinctive words which are important to your business because this will assist you to find the ideal methods of showing up in search results for items related to your business. You should use keyword research tools such as Google’s keyword planner for getting an idea on the keywords best for your website.

    1. Having A Slow Page Speed-:

    It is a fact that if you web page is taking a longer duration to load it will lead user to leave your page as user wants information fast and information to load fast. Even if your page is ranking up but your load time is longer user will leave your website without even looking at the content in the website thus resulting in high bounce rate.

    In order to avoid these problems, you should optimize your images and other website content.

    1. Not Utilizing Meta Tags Properly-:

    Meta tags are very important for a search engine to know about the website content. Meta tags are placed at the back-end, cannot be seen on the front end of page.

    There are some attributes you should follow-:

    • Title tags-: The title of your page shows at the top of the browser.
    • Meta Keyword Attributes-: Keywords those are relevant to the website page content.
    • Meta Description Attribute-: A summary of page content.
    • Meta Robots attribute-: Tells a customer what to do with a web page.
    1. Not Optimizing For Mobile-:

    Nowadays, it is critical to optimize your website for mobile, with the initiations of Google’s Mobile First Index. If you website is mobile optimized, Google’s Mobile First Index algo will help you rank higher in search results.

    In order to achieve better business results and get high conversion rate of users optimize your website for mobile as most people search everything through their phones. In US people who browse websites through mobile is 57%.

    In order to make website mobile responsive and friendly, pick a website design which is powerful enough to stay compatible with web search engines and provide one of kind look to your website. Avoid using pop-up’s because these will be hard to close on mobile and it will be responsible for high bounce rate.