
Tips For Having A Successful Ecommerce Website Development 2020

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    Tips For Having A Successful Ecommerce Website Development 2020


    Tips for having a successful eCommerce website development

    Having the right platform and functional theme

    The platform is the business foundation and when you consider eCommerce website development, select the best platform like Shopify, Magento, BigCommerce, and others that can handle the large volume which can benefit your future.  Once the platform is selected you need to choose the theme. You need to select the visually appealing one, loads quickly, responsive, works on all browsers, and customizable for your brand.

    Taking help from the website designing company will help you learn some of the interesting tips.

    SEO and Site Performance

    Page rank is important for traffic. You need to select proper SEO so that your page gets the higher rank and the shoppers can find you. The difference is made with page load and site performance. Impatient shoppers abandon the slow sites quickly.

    One of the statistics has shown that if the website takes more than 3 seconds to load then the shoppers will quit the website right away. So, it is essential to give your users the best experience which is great for everyone.

    Tap into mobile customers with responsive website design

    Having the website page optimized for mobile is important, but there are thousands of merchants who are still tied to old themes and websites which get displayed on the website properly.

    Statistics have shown that 49.7% of page views come through mobile devices. If you are not mobile responsive you are going to miss on many things. Mobile users get the option to search, browse, and buy right through their phones and other websites without any doubt.

    Security is important for trust and data safety

    Trust between customers and merchants needs time to build and it is essential for sales. One immediate improvement which builds trust to have every page encrypted with HTTPS protocol. Customers want their data to be safe.

    Additionally, payment information and transactions need security. If you accept credit cards then it is essential to have PCI compliant. You should never store the credit card information on the website as it is a vital part of the business. If the system gets hacked then it would create a lot of problems.

    Limit the product selection and offer site search

    If you offer too many choices to the customer it will hinder sales. Buyers have decision paralysis when they have too many options. They may walk away from the site. Given below are some of the ways to overcome this issue:

    • Select the best products. Limit the choices to 2 or 3 top products even though there are twenty out there.
    • Streamline the checkout process within a few clicks. With each additional click or a form field, the opportunity for a complete sale is reduced.

    Select the site search which is fast, scalable, and reliable. 30% of users select the site search and this is an important part of the eCommerce website. You need to buy a robust and third-party engine that can quickly narrow their search.