
Tips to Improve you Website Design

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    Tips to Improve you Website Design


    When the user opens the website, within 5 seconds they should be able to know what your business is about and they should easily navigate to the blog. If they are not able to find what they are looking for then it is time you need to improve the website design. This guide is going to give you tips to improve website design.

    Given below are the top tips shared by the experienced developers of our website designing company:

    • Make a plan

    The first and foremost thing is to start with website designing. Your business needs to ensure that your website is giving the user everything they are looking for. Additionally, it should be easy to navigate. You need to decide upon what pages they are going to view, what content you are going to post, and what offers will make them come back to your site. Well, this is just the first step but it needs to be done properly.

    • Do not add these into the website

    Certain elements are unnecessary, so you need to remove them. It includes content that is too long, stocky website images, or complicated animations. With the time of just 8 seconds, you need to let them reach the main point on time.

    • Add Social media buttons

    When you are producing good content, you need to allow the user to share it. A website without social media share buttons is missing out on a lot of things. Sharing these social media buttons on your site will give the user to engage in a better way. Do not worry as our website developer is going to take care of everything.

    • Make your home page scrollable

    Now the time has gone that you need to limit the length of the homepage. You must add more content to the homepage around 3 to 5 sections. This way when the user reaches your site it will give them a seamless experience. Here are some of the sections you should include:

    • Value proposition
    • Intro Video
    • Services Overview
    • Product Features
    • About Us
    • Testimonials
    • Success Stories
    • Resources
    • Choose the images carefully

    Some people think that images do not play an important role but actually, they are important. We are not saying stock up your website with photos but the ones you add should evoke trust in the user.

    You can add images of the people working in the company or the office itself. This will help your business to look more authentic. Make sure the content and images match each other.

    • Importance of SEO

    Online presence means your business should be easily found. This means you need to find the best SEO strategy so that buyers can find you while looking for a specific product or service.

    Contact the professionals as they can tell you what you need to do and they will give you suggestions according to your needs.