
Understanding Content Decay and How it Could Be Ruining Your SEO

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    How to Tackle Content Decay and Improve Your SEO Strategy


    One of the key ways to make certain that you are able to enhance the possibility of ensuring that your website reaches more people is by employing SEO strategies. One needs to make certain that you are accurately supplying content that is SEO-friendly. It makes certain that your website stands out in the search results. In fact, by employing SEO strategies in your content as well as your overall website, you can make certain that your website is thoroughly accessible to most people. However, for some people, it can be a thoroughly difficult task – they might not be computer savvy enough or have the time to engage with SEO. In such scenarios, you can make certain that you are able to seek FlyMedia Technology’s services. 

    What is Content Decay?

    In order to thoroughly maintain a website, one needs to make certain that you are putting content relevant to your website’s purpose. However, over time it is natural that it loses its effectiveness. One can and will notice that the traffic on your website will decrease. It can send certain people into a frenzy. However, one needs not worry. The decreased interest is a natural phase in the lifecycle of any content one puts out. 

    Signs that Your Content Might Need A Fix 

    For some people, it might be difficult to identify when their content needs a revamp. Following are some of the signs that you can keep an eye out for:

    • Growth has slowed down 
    • Traffic has hit a plateau and is slowly decreasing
    • Ranking in search results is becoming stagnant 
    • The click-through rate is steadily declining 
    • Time on page is decreasing 
    • Conversion rates are being thoroughly impacted 

    Ways You Can Fix Your Content Before it Impacts Your SEO 

    There are several ways you can make certain that you are able to fix your content before it starts impacting the SEO of the website; some of these strategies are as mentioned below:

    Prune the Content As Much As You Can 

    One of the easiest ways to make certain that you are able to thoroughly enhance the content on your website, is to prune the underwhelming content. Anything that does not perform properly needs to be removed from the website to improve your SEO ranking. This also improves certain metrics such as time spent on a page. 

    Explore Old Content and Expand on It 

    You also might want to explore your old archives. If there is anything in there you can run an update on? You should. You can also thoroughly make certain that you have the possibility of linking the old piece with the new one. This will ensure that you are able to enhance the traffic on not only your new content, but also your old one.  

    Promote Old Content Again 

    This is perhaps one of the easiest ways to make certain that your SEO strategies do not get affected by the content you are putting on it. By promoting your old content again, you are thoroughly able to transform the traffic on your website. This is particularly true if you have a large content library. Not only will people engage with already existing content on your website, but they might also become interested in exploring your website, services, and available products. 

    Invest Time and Energy in Evergreen Content 

    It is also imperative to make certain that your website has evergreen content. This will make certain that your website is almost always ranked at the top of search results as far as those content pieces and search results are concerned. With evergreen content, you can make certain that there is always something your visitors can gravitate towards as far as that topic or that investment in evergreen content is concerned. 

    Try to Repurpose Old Content 

    It is also important to make certain that you are thoroughly able to repurpose old content. One needs to ensure that you have the possibility of providing and offering old content for your website and new content. You need to be able to make certain that your content can be repurposed by you whenever the time is right. This ensures that you spend less time researching topics. With content repurposing, you can make sure that your website seems interconnected with the past content. However, one needs to be certain that content repurposing does not result in creating spam content – which can harm the ranking of your website. 
    SEO has become one of the key ways to make certain that you are able to thoroughly get your website ranked properly in the search results. Not only does this tactic ensure that more people are able to access your website, but you can also make certain that you have the capacity to make user-friendly content. No matter the type of your products and services, you can make certain that it reaches the right audience. However, one cannot deny that employing SEO strategies is thoroughly time-consuming. With the help of FlyMedia Technology, you can delegate the SEO task to us. We will make certain that your website ranks in the search results and that your content does not rot on your website.