
What are the excellent SEO Tips that you should keep in mind while designing a website?

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    What are the excellent SEO Tips that you should keep in mind while designing a website?


    To stop making a website that is not helpful to the search engine, you clearly need to keep certain simple SEO concepts in mind and good practices in content creation.

    Not only you, but there are also several web designers who face problems when they choose website design. Here are a few great tips that can lead you to a web design that is more search engine friendly.

    Make sure the website navigation is ideal for search engines

    Using Flash on your website for navigation may be poor news if you don’t know how to render Flash items available and web-crawler-friendly. Search engines are going through a really tough time crawling a website using Flash. Without losing the search engine scores, CSS and unobtrusive JavaScript will have almost all of the fancy effects you are searching for.

    Put scripts Outside the HTML text

    Assure that you outsource JavaScript and CSS while designing your website. Search engines are viewing a website through what is in the HTML document. If not outsourced, JavaScript and CSS can add several additional lines of code to your HTML documents that will, in most cases, be ahead of the actual content and could make it slower to crawl. Search engines like to get as fast as possible to the content of a website.

    Using content that spiders search engine can read easily.

    Content is a website’s life-force, and the search engines depend on it. Make sure you take the strong content layout into consideration while creating a website. Websites with very little as well as poor content tend to struggle in the search results. Additionally, you do not use photos for text when you are using a substitution technique for the CSS context picture text.

    Update fresh content always.

    If you are running a blog along with the website, then you need to update fresh content everyday on all of your web sites and blog. Search engines want to see web pages material change from time to time because it means the platform is still alive and healthy. With updated and fresh content, search engines often come up with higher crawling rates. You won’t want to show entire articles because that will trigger redundant content issues.

    Using Heading Tags correctly

    Make effective use of heading tags in the content of the web page; they offer details on the layout of the HTML document to search engines and therefore put a higher priority on such tags compared to any text on the web page. You must use tag <h1> for the main title in the page, whereas, <h2> to indicate content hierarchy. This will help a crawler to find relevant information easily on the page.

    Moreover, you also need to design your webpage user-friendly and don’t neglect image Alt attributes.