
What are the top benefits of style guides to have the best website design?

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    The best website designer and developer have an understanding of the key aspects of what makes the website the best. The work of the best website designing company will be done with ease when there are a set of rules to check the vital elements of websites. With the professional web development team, the entire process will be done with perfection, and that too on time.


    Style guide benefits

    Through the style guide, it is easier to design a website as there are specific rules. Through this, it allows transparency and elements are organized correctly and it even allows the CSS code to be right.


    Style presentation

    Before the element selection, the operations need to be checked along with the company clients, mission, and vision along with the services they provide. The purpose of doing this is to make the user experience perfect. Here are the key elements which should be included in the website are:

    • Colors

    The initial choice should be given to primary and secondary colors. Primary colors are specific options for the company and secondary colors are used to highlight the important stuff.

    Black should not be the option for text as it is not warm and users won’t be able to read it. This is the reason I go with light black tones. Make sure that you select the right background text.

    • Typography

    You might not know but typography is included in 95% of the website. The right option must be selected so that it tells that it is your company. The titles should be of the right size, and make sure they are in the right manner along with hierarchy. The hierarchy should be:

    • H1
    • H2
    • H3

    And so on.

    The typography you select will make a difference and the background color with it. Make sure you go with the right line-height, paragraphs, body text color, spacing, quotes, different links, and much more.

    • Grid

    For the website content, you need to select the right grid and other necessary elements like graphics and pictures. Along with that, it makes it easier to place the visual image with consistency.

    • Graphics and icons

    For the icons, the focus should be given to the position and style of the graphics or icons. All the hover effects need to be right so that when someone moves the element over the cursor it will be right.

    • Photos

    The photo’s style and colors need to be right and make sure that you choose them carefully. Pictures have a gradient or colored filter which is monochrome so that the text is placed on the right background. The picture width and height need to be right so that all the elements are placed correctly on the website.