
What is Link Baiting?

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    What is Link Baiting?


    Link baiting you can say one the best off page technique to get the more people attention and increase the inbound links. Link baiting is a technique that other bloggers used your content on their website and add the link pointing to your website. It’s help you to rank better on the search engines. Its helps to increase the website traffic without any keyword search.

    Now the question is that how to write the perfect blog post to attract the more audience? Simple just make your post more valuable to the reader. Write the fresh content that never published before or add the suitable images or infographics. In the link baiting you can use the context including the infographics, educational material, breaking news, applications, controversy, striking images or humor related.

    Now let’s discuss about what are the techniques of link baiting? There are many techniques of the link baiting but in this post I’ll share only the best techniques of the link baiting. Here are the main techniques that are used for link baiting:

    1. Guest Posting, you also known as the “Guest Blogging.” Guest blogging one of the best way to the make your website authority or divert the traffic on your website.
    2. Infographics, after the guest blogging the main technique used for link baiting is Infographics. Make the creative inforgraphic that users never see before. Like Search Engine Land make the inforgraphic of 2011 ranking factor periodic table and they get the thousands of backlinks.
    3. Gadgets and Widgets
    4. Testimonials
    5. Controversial Content
    6. Interviews
    7. Contests
    8. Hosting Services

    Here are the main techniques that are used for the link baiting. If you know more than share with us. We love to hear from you.