
What Questions To Ask In An Online Customer Survey?

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    List of questions you must include in an online customer survey


    For a business to succeed, it is important that its product or service helps the client and makes their work easier or more beneficial. But how can you determine if your product impresses or fails the client? The best option to find this out is to use a customer survey. It is a traditional tool that has helped many businesses since ages. You can develop an online survey, get help from the best digital marketing company in Ludhiana, and maximise your ROI. Online surveys can help you understand what your product or service is missing and how you can improve it. 

    For surveys to work efficiently, it is important to craft a survey or questionnaire that helps you get the most out of client feedback. How can this be done? Let us discuss in the blog what questions to include in your customer survey. 

    What Questions To Ask In An Online Customer Survey?

    When making a customer survey or questionnaire, ensure to ask these questions:

    Product or Service Based Questions

    It is important to ask product or service-based questions because your overall motive is to understand whether or not the customer is happy with your product or service. These questions help you understand the satisfaction level of the customer and guide you to make changes in your product or services wherever needed. You can hire and consult the best digital marketing company in Ludhiana to help you with an online survey. You should ask the following questions:

    • What do you like the most about our service/ product?
    • Would you like to use our service/product in the future?
    • How does our product help you?
    • Do you want to see any changes or additions to our products?
    • Where do you think our product requires improvement? 

    Demographic-based Questions

    Unlike product-based questions that are focused on determining the key aspects of your product, demographic-based questions help you understand your audience. It provides great insights about your customer, their age, their job profile, their characteristics and behaviour. In this, you can ask questions such as:

    • How old are you?
    • Where are you from?
    • Are you married? 
    • What is your current employment status?
    • What do you do for a living?
    • Do you have children?

    Psychographic-Based Question

    These questions help understand what compelled the customer to take action or what the reasons behind their actions are. It gives you a better understanding of your customers. These insights can be used to frame and plan your marketing policies effectively. Consult and hire the best digital marketing company in Ludhiana to conduct a successful customer survey. Ask questions such as:

    • What do you consider when buying the product?
    • What do you prefer for shopping – a laptop or a mobile phone?
    • What do you like and dislike about the product?
    • How can your experience be improved?

    Satisfaction-Related Questions

    Such questions are usually written to learn a range of scores or satisfaction levels. In this, you can ask the client to select a score or rate it. It helps you learn customer satisfaction scores. It helps the business owners gain insight into how much their product is successful and how much improvement is required. In this, ask questions such as:

    • How much will you rate our product or service?
    • How satisfied were you with our feedback?
    • How well did our team respond to your problem?
    • Rate our service on a scale of 1 to 10.


    Online surveys are important for businesses to focus on their product and increase user satisfaction. It helps the client understand the strengths and weaknesses of their products and services, client preferences and behaviour, and satisfaction level of the client. The best digital marketing company in Ludhiana can help you gain insights from the survey and strategically plan future steps to ensure growth and expansion.