Wix Joins The Path With Indexnow

Wix has now integrated with IndexNow. An exciting news for all Wix users by virtue of Microsoft’s initiative to make indexing easier and faster. It means that Wix users can now put more emphasis on their work rather than having to worry about pinging IndexNow as soon as there is an update to the content. A quick introduction to Wix and Indexnow. Wix is a software company that provides tools to create websites. The platform for website building is free, which lets the users design their sites freely and professionally. On the other hand, IndexNow is an open-source protocol created by Microsoft and Yandex that helps sites ping the search engine about any kind of content update; it can be posting, deleting or making corrections. How does Wix supporting IndexNow prove to be favourable to Wix users? Wix integrating with IndexNow is beneficial in the following ways. Faster indexing can help to reach higher ranks No having to manually ping IndexNow for content updates Emphasis on work rather than indexing Time-saving The idea of IndexNow was created so that the websites can inform search engines about the content updates before the search engines crawl the websites. Web crawlers can take a long time to crawl your website, which can affect your ranking and growth. Even if your website usually has higher traffic, the process of crawling can still be delayed if there is any change in the content, but with IndexNow, websites can ping the search engine even if there is the slightest change in their content, which will help the websites to improve their performance consistently.
How to analyze and optimize your website with various PageSpeed tools?

If you have a business website, then it is important to ensure that it runs effectively. For that, you need to get it developed and managed by the experts of web development. Our website designing company provides an effective way to ensure the page speed is optimized and it will be analyzed from time to time. Page speed tools Through the use of page speed tools, the website will run faster and it will help you get the ultimate benefits. Speed up with the PageSpeed Modules For this, you need to run the open-source page speed modules on the Nginx or Apache server so that it can automatically rewrite and resources are optimized on the website. Leverage Google’s infrastructure Increase the browsing with Google Public DNS Take benefit through the Google Public DNS as it helps in boosting the speed and security of the browsing experience. Offload popular open-source libraries You can boost the speed of the website by making use of the Google Infrastructure. Moreover, it is the most popular choice for the opens-source Javascript libraries Protocols & Standards Through the latest protocols and standards, the web design will be managed with ease and the page speed will be faster. Performance Best Practices You should understand the best web practices to make your website and every page on it optimized effectively. If you are not sure how to get everything done in the right manner, you need to take assistance from the experts. Which are the different options for page speed tools? CSS Optimization Test CSS delivery needs to be checked present on the web page. Make sure it is optimized and then subsequently you will be able to learn how it can be improved. CSS Compressor CSS compressor will allow it to automatically compress the files. This way the size will be small and ultimately it helps in improving the speed of web pages. JavaScript Optimization Test You need to check the ways to enhance the speed of Javascript and you can get it done by running the test. Image Optimization Test All the images present on the website need to be optimized correctly. Test the website images and if there is an issue with it, it needs to be changed right away. To ensure everything is proper on the website you need to take help from professionals. PNG Compressor Most importantly, the file size of PNG images needs to be minimum, and this way the loading time will be right. JPEG Compressor All the JPEG images on the website need to have the smallest size and this helps to improve the page speed to the maximum. CSS Sprites Generator You need to combine different images in one file and this way the number of HTTP requests will be reduced.
AMP actually around three parts 1. AMP HTML 2. AMP JS 3. AMP CDN AMP HTML : the AMP HTML pages contain some custom properties of AMP . and if you want to see the example code we can see it it is look like this code ….. <!doctype html> <html ⚡> <head> <meta charset=”utf-8″> <link rel=”canonical” href=”hello-world.html”> <meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width,minimum-scale=1,initial-scale=1″> <style amp-boilerplate>body{-webkit-animation:-amp-start 8s steps(1,end) 0s 1 normal both;-moz-animation:-amp-start 8s steps(1,end) 0s 1 normal both;-ms-animation:-amp-start 8s steps(1,end) 0s 1 normal both;animation:-amp-start 8s steps(1,end) 0s 1 normal both}@-webkit-keyframes -amp-start{from{visibility:hidden}to{visibility:visible}}@-moz-keyframes -amp-start{from{visibility:hidden}to{visibility:visible}}@-ms-keyframes -amp-start{from{visibility:hidden}to{visibility:visible}}@-o-keyframes -amp-start{from{visibility:hidden}to{visibility:visible}}@keyframes -amp-start{from{visibility:hidden}to{visibility:visible}}</style><noscript><style amp-boilerplate>body{-webkit-animation:none;-moz-animation:none;-ms-animation:none;animation:none}</style></noscript> <script async src=”https://cdn.ampproject.org/v0.js”></script> </head> <body>Hello World!</body> </html> AMP HTML page contains amp attributes and that is the main difference between the simple html page and the AMP page . in image tag we have to implement amp-img tag that will give our image a srcset support. 2. AMP JS The AMP JS Basically works on fast rendering of the pages so that the pages load fast in the browser . The AMP JS loads the Resources that manage fast rendering of the pages. when the page load anything from the external it asynchronous and than with the help of this there is nothing to block and page loads even in low networks. 3. AMP CDN the AMP CDN is one of the proxy CDN which transfer all the valid AMP Documents. The main role of CDN is to fetch the page , caches it and thus automatically the performance of the page improves. In this all the images, JS file and the html loads from the same origin and thus we will get maximum Efficiency.
How we can Increase the speed Of our WordPress website?
we can speed up our WordPress site because if the speed of the website is good than it helps in SEO and also it avoids the errors which are due to server connectivity errors in WebMaster. What Happened when some one load the WordPress page? When some one load the WordPress page than in case of WordPress the query is send to the database and if more and more queries sent to database means If the website has good traffic and in that case multiple times load sent to the database and some times your hosting provider may ban for overloading CPU uses and the server connectivity error or the Data Base Connection Error start Displaying On your computer Screen or Some time our site down without specify any reason So how to overcome this problem? The best way is if you have WordPress site start using the plugin name WordPress -cache plugin with the help of which it create a cache folder and that cache folder will handle all the files in it and the next time when you again send query to the database instead of going to Database your query is send to that cache folder and your database is not overloaded or ban. so best way is using WordPress Cache Plugin and overcome all the issues regarding the down time or connectivity errors.